Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Pet Day

Thanks for bringing your pets to class this morning, it was fun meeting them.
If you have a photo you would like to share of your pet, send it to me on Email and I will post it on this page

Lara's pet dog Perry

Zach- this is Bella, my favourite photo of her

Kahutaiki's cat Taika


Ayla- our family pets Fritz and Kohl

This is my cat, Scout. She is 2 years old. Once she bought in a rat and my mum stood on it and all the guts came out.
She likes to sleep on my bed at night and she is a very cheeky cat. Jett

Ben Milking his  house cow "Snuffy"  on the farm.

Xaviers pet to be , hopefully

Jesse's sleepy hunting dog
This dog is really taking being a part of the family seriously.
So Cute!